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الشرعية والسياسة

A contribution to the study of law, politics, and political responsibility 
Written by: 
D. Jean-Marc Kwaku 
Director of the Peace Research Institute and the government program in the United Nations University 
Professor of philosophy and political science at the (New School) to search in the New York Social previously 
Fellow at Harvard University 
D. Khalil Ibrahim, the pilot 
Professor of Political Thought - University of Baghdad 
The number of pages of the book: 282 
Published Date: 2001 / ISBN 9957-416-02-4 
Book Price: U.S. $ 11 .. to get your copy Click here 
The book in brief ... 
What are the political legitimacy? Any conditions can talk about the legitimacy of the state in political terms?. This is what the author tries to answer it in this book through the study of the so-called (right judgment) in the political field, and this involves the assessment of the decisions and actions of leaders and institutions who have the task of running the community well. This is supposed to interpret the issue of criteria for judging the political, this is addressed by the author through his handling of the following topics: differences over political legitimacy and the study of policy in conjunction with the history and the rule of law and the subject of the dangers caused by the subordination of law to the necessities of politics, and the theory of political revolutions through the study. 
Concepts, and the theory of political consultation, and legalized and illegal to put a particular political, and the idea of ​​law, and the relations between rulers and ruled, and other important topics. This book is a (legal and policy) of modern books and precious studies in the field of political, legal and social all sectors. It is a real addition to the Arab library. 
Audited and reviewed by a. D. Mustafa Mngod
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Conflict & Peace Studies
Different Books
University Book
Theoretical Studies
Translated Books