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دليل الباحثين العرب في مجال العلوم السياسية

Written by: d. Ahmad Said Nofal 
Professor of political science and co-head of the political science department previously 
Yarmouk University of Jordan 
The number of pages of the book: 224 
Published Date: 2001 / ISBN 9957-416-00-6 
Book Price: $ 5 .. to get your copy Click here 
The book in brief ... 
Includes manual Arab researchers in the field of political science of personal data and the scientific more than 536 researchers from professors of political science at the universities and the Arab countries, the campaign PhDs in general, to be a reference tariff and statistically them, and at their disposal and the disposal of Arab universities, and institutions of joint Arab action official and non-official, and studies and research centers, and media institutions, social and economic, academic, and others. scientific reference and this is the first of its kind in the Arab world in the area of ​​specialization. The directory contains three indexes: 
Alphabetical index of Arab researchers who surveyed directory. 
Index of Arab researchers who surveyed directory in alphabetical order of the States and Arab universities. 
Index of topics and areas of interest to researchers Arabs polled directory.
البريد الالكتروني:
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نسيت كلمة السر
Conflict & Peace Studies
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University Book
Theoretical Studies
Translated Books