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النظرية السياسية من منظور حضاري إسلامي

 Systematic renewal of political experience and reality of contemporary Arab 

Written by: 
A. D. Sayf al-Din Ismail 
Professor of Political Science - Cairo University 
The number of pages of the book: 448 
Published: September 2002 / ISBN 9957-416-06-5 
Book Price: U.S. $ 18 .. to get your copy Click here 
The book in brief ... 
The rooting aware of political theory from the perspective of the field of Islamic civilization worthy follow-up and attention to the ongoing research, special attention to the process of theorizing has scarce in academia. 
The field of political theory, of the most important areas in which "frame of human thought, and this area excelled in which Western political thought, contemporary and, in turn, attempts to rooting in political theory from the perspective of a civilized modern Islamic, remained attempts are rare and did not take adequate attention from researchers Arabs and Muslims. Suffer knowledge of political theory from an Islamic perspective of crises the most important crisis of "authenticity," which lies at the heart of political science, said that the crisis of authenticity is a major crisis which negatively affect the researcher, Vtjolh transferred or chew the cud, arguments and theories of Western thought, without scrutiny or criticism, and without air or Search the elements of convenience, hence the memory heritage of political Islam, one of the most important elements that move elements of political renewal, on the basis of a balance between inertia when the Islamic heritage and the drop him or not to communicate with him. this book deals with political theory from the perspective of a civilized Islamic and other words deals with the renewal of political experience and vision within the Islamic actually contemporary Arab and through several of them: 
The concept of political renewal and scientific building science Islamic political, and the relationship between the building science of political Islam, and a reality of contemporary Arab. Also addresses this book to build the concepts of Islamic political, and how to build these concepts. Then addresses the methodology of political renewal and main entrances. Also studying the concept of legitimacy in the vision Islamic and Arab contemporary relationship to reality. addition to many important topics. 
This book represents a distinct creative and rarely lacking Researchers Arabs and Arab library in particular.
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Conflict & Peace Studies
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Theoretical Studies
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